“There is no learning without wellbeing”
At the heart of WholeSchools is wellbeing as it relates to all of the dimensions of school life; happy students make up happy schools! As we shift between face to face, remote learning and blended-hybrid learning models the School Daysolution allows us to safeguard the well being and mental health of our students.
As parents, teachers and school leaders, we want children to reach their full potential. Putting academia aside one of the most valuable lessons we can teach and support is emotional literacy. School day helps students develop self awareness, and self management, by acknowledging how they feel, students build understanding about their own behavior and their choices. Through School Day it possible for every teacher and school leader to play an active role in understanding the key indicators that underpin students behavior, environment, relationships and ultimately shape their learning. School Day’s actionable recommendations reinforce children’s emotional and social competence because “there is no learning without well being” and this will shape the rest of their lives.
School Day and WholeSchools have signed a strategic partnership to strengthen student wellbeing and social-emotional learning in Latin America. WholeSchools will be representing School Day, an internationally recognized student wellbeing analytics solution, to all schools across Mexico and Latin America.