Inquiry Based Learning
Participants will engage in
Various exciting activities, individually, in pairs and in groups, to explore several topics and questions related to inquiry. Through our hands on approach you will be guided to discover and deepen your understanding developing tools for practical application.
• What is the inquiry?
• Is there a difference between research and inquiry?
• Are there many types of inquiry?
• The good, the bad and the ugly about inquiry.
• Learning for understanding.
• Structured inquiry as a process and steps to follow.
• 'Action' as the final result of the inquiry cycle.
• Inquiry according to the 'experts' models.
• What does a classroom filled with inquiry look and sound like?
• The construction of a cycle for personal inquiry and application in the classroom setting.
Inquiry is a dynamic process of being open to wonder and puzzlement and coming to know and understand the world. As such, it is a stance that pervades all aspects of life and is essential to the way in which knowledge is created. Inquiry is based on the belief that understanding is constructed in the process of learners working and conversing together as they pose and solve the problems, make discoveries and rigorously test the discoveries that arise in the course of shared activity. Learning through inquiry leads learners to build knowledge that is relevant, and leads to deep understanding.
“Children share with geniuses an open, inquiring, uninhibited quality of mind.
Chauncey Guy Suits